Quantum science has shown that everything that surrounds us, including ourselves, is a seething mass of energy. We know that every particle has an impact on the particles that surround it and this affects the energetic formation of our surroundings. As humans we are surrounded by an electromagnetic field known as the Aura.
"In a crystal, we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less of a living being." –Nikola Tesla
The way in which crystals are able to move vibrations into the physical realm is through means of their base resonance vibrations. Everything in the universe vibrates and crystals bring about healing through using the law of resonance.
the energy within the crystal is brought close to the patient’s energy field and used to influence the vibration of the patient’s energy field to bring about healing.
According to the Book of Stones, “When we bring the crystal into our electromagnetic field, two things occur. The electromagnetic frequencies carried by the stone will vibrate with related frequencies in our own energy field through the physical law of resonance, creating a third larger vibration field. The nervous system is attuned to these shifts in energy and transmits this information to the brain. Here the frequencies stimulate biochemical shifts that affect the physical body and shift brain function.” Book of Stones - (Simmons & Ahsian 2005, 28)
Only one thousand millionth part of our body is matter. The rest is energy.
Crystals operate much like a magnet, but think about it in relationship to energy beyond the 3rd dimension. If you’re looking at it in 3D, obviously it’s pretty much just a rock. If you look at it through a higher dimensional lens however… you start seeing something unique.
You see waves, pushing and pulling on the energy all around it. Some crystals push on higher frequencies, such as Selenite or Amethyst, where as others push on lower frequencies, such as Garnet or Tourmaline.
The law of Resonance: When two bodies meet the one with the highest amplitude will bring the other into resonance with it.
Remember, crystals have been shown to oscillate at their own frequencies, and even respond to the input of vibrations. The cells in the human body also vibrate at certain frequencies, as do the chakras (the centers of the human energy body). So when we come into contact with a crystal, its vibration interacts with the vibration of the cells in our body.