My name is Brooke and I’m all kinds of things in the world, like a filmmaker, and a storyteller, a spiritual seeker, a professional joymaker, and also a stream of water. I was born into the world without a sense of smell, and I’m learning as an adult that I have a sensitivity to crystals.
It came as a surprise to me too.
My name is Brooke and I never liked it. The name never felt like me. But then a couple years ago, I met a rock that changed my perception of rocks, and also my perception of self.
She’s a greenish-blue hunk of fluorite that looks like a wave in motion, or half of a heart, and I call her Flow. When I'm near this crystal, the racing thoughts in my head slow down, and I become aware of my breath.
Aware of my heartbeat.
Aware of my flow.
Flow is the embodiment of my flow state.
Whenever I’m lost, or stuck, or overwhelmed,
I meditate with Flow resting on my heart and I remember:
My name is Brooke and I’m a stream of water.
My name is Brooke and I’m in constant flow.
My name is Brooke and I’m always changing.
My name is Brooke and I'm more than my name.
Flow connects me to who I am at my essence.
Crystals can do that, and so much more.
Through this practice,
I've looked inward and expanded outward.
I've visited the nameless space between my thoughts –
the silent space between the tick and the tock –
and the vibrating space between the particles of me.
Spaces I didn't know existed.
Spaces that crystals help me access.
Crystals have transformed my life in ways I didn't think were possible. Through my experiences, I'm discovering that these rocks are portals to a greater fabric of consciousness. They connect us to the soul of the world.
I started Sky High Vibes to create space for others to have their own transformational experiences. The kind that materialize when we stop, take a breath, and listen to these of-this-world, but other-worldly teachers.
You know. The rocks that have been here all along. ​